Medical writing
Medical writing is a specialist type of writing that includes reporting on current research, creating educational content, producing clinical guidelines, interviewing specialists and generating promotional material for pharmaceutical companies.
Health writing, on the other hand, is aimed at the general public and involves diet, exercise, weight control and both physical and mental wellbeing.
Good medical writing and health writing are evidence-based, which means the content is based on scientific evidence. It is this evidence that forms the basis for decision-making in medical practice.
Medical literature is generated continuously, through papers and journals, and medical writers source this literature, along with any associated research, and translate its complex concepts into any easy-to-ready format for the general public or other medical practitioners.
When accuracy is everything
I’ve been writing medical content since 2012.
That’s a lot of content right! True, but it also refines your medical literature research and referencing skills.
I’ve covered most modes including feature articles, case studies and interviews.

Following are some of the medical colleges, companies and organisations I’ve written for:
♦ The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
♦ The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
♦ The Australian Medical Association (Victoria)
♦ HealthStaffEd
♦ Royal Workforce Agency Victoria
♦ Rural Workforce Agencies Australia
Health writing
I’ve covered all areas of health, wellbeing, diet, exercise and mental health in my medical writing.
My readers includes doctors, surgeons, GPs and allied health professionals, but I’ve also written regularly for patients.

An important component of health writing is expertise in translating complex medical research into interesting, easy to read content. So is the requirement to report on the limitations of particular studies and portray results accurately.
Professional membership
As a member of the Australian Medical Writers Association (AMWA), I belong to a community of professional medical writers.
I’m also a member of the Australasian Health and Medical Journal Editors’ Network, which is a subgroup of the AMWA.

Medical editing
With academic qualifications in editing from The University of Melbourne, and more than a decade working in senior editorial roles, I’m well-qualified to edit your medical content.

I’ve worked in-house as editor of medical magazines and professional development material for GPs.
More recently, I’ve edited online postgraduate nursing courses for Australian universities and clinical submissions for national and international medical journals.
I’m also a member of the Institute of Professional Editors.
The content we create for you
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